07 53630288
Suite 7, 5-9 Lakeshore Ave

Buderim, QLD, 4556

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Fred Andrews

The Inspiration of our Business

Fred Andrews – The Inspiration of Our Business!

Fred died of a progressive neurological condition called supranuclear palsy. We cared for him at home with the help of a number of very competent, supportive healthcare workers but we found at times their lack of communication and co-ordination between each other disappointing. So many different organisations were involved in his care and we were left having to try and co-0rdinate everything (and everyone) ourselves adding stress to any already stressful time. Sunshine Coast Health Services’ mission is to provide the services you require within a single healthcare centre.

Meet the Team

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Alannah Andrews
Neuro Podiatrist
Clint Faulkner
Remedial Massage Therapist
Fred Andrews
The inspiration of our business.
Gillian Condy
Neuro Physiotherapist
Kerrie Peall
Accredited Exercise Physiologist and GLA:D Facilitator
Marissa Richards
Neuro Exercise Physiologist
Natasha Rae
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Peter Walsh
Operations & Accounts