Alannah Andrews
Neuro Podiatrist
Alannah Andrews has been a devoted podiatrist since her graduation in 1989. Her dedication to understanding the complexities of foot health, especially in relation to neurological conditions such as Parkinson's Disease and Diabetes is a personal area of interest.
Marissa Richards
Neuro Exercise Physiologist
Marissa Richards is a distinguished Accredited Exercise Physiologist, celebrated for her exceptional work in managing Parkinson's disease
Gillian Condy
Neuro Physiotherapist
Gillian Condy is a neurophysiotherapist renowned for her compassionate approach and deep commitment to improving the lives of those with neurological conditions, particularly Parkinson’s disease
Kerrie Peall
Accredited Exercise Physiologist and GLA:D Facilitator
Kerrie is a seasoned Accredited Exercise Physiologist with an impressive international background in physical wellness and rehabilitation.
Peter Walsh
Operations Manager
Peter Walsh, our Operations Manager brings a wealth of experience and leadership to our team.
Clint Faulkner
Remedial Massage Therapist
Clint Faulkner brings over 15 years of dedicated experience in remedial and sports massage to our team, with a profound understanding of the body's capacity for healing and recovery
Natasha Rae
Accredited Practicing Dietitian
Tash is a dedicated Accredited Practising Dietitian who is passionate in helping people reach and maintain their health goals. Tash has extended her knowledge in healthy aging, providing a holistic approach to her client’s needs with special interests in dementia and Parkinson’s disease.
Fred Andrews
The Inspiration of our Business
Fred died of a progressive neurological condition called supranuclear palsy. We cared for him at home with the help of a number of very competent, supportive healthcare workers but we found at times their lack of communication and co-ordination between each other disappointing.